Clean Laundry Laundromat taking action to COVID19

Clean Laundry to Remain Open

Clean Laundry will remain open at all locations. We feel strongly in providing a clean location for our guests to be able to wash and dry their clothing in an effort to combat COVID-19. We will update on our social media and website if there are any changes.


Taking action against COVID-19

With the news dominated by COVID-19 also known as Coronavirus, you may be wondering about measures you can take to prevent it. Questions have arisen such as can the coronavirus live on clothing? How do you wash your clothes to get rid of viruses? You may be seeking out tips and other cleaning advice for the coronavirus.

Clean Laundry prides itself as a brand that provides a spotlessly clean environment for our guests to do laundry. During the novel pandemic, we are taking additional steps for preventative measures to continue to deliver a clean environment for doing laundry. Our stores are cleaned and disinfected multiple times a day and deep cleaned overnight. We know the importance of having access to laundry facilities during this time and we will remain open so long as it is safe to do so.


Taking action with COVID19 at Clean Laundry

Additional laundering tips to combat the COVID-19 virus:

  • Do laundry frequently, viruses can live on clothing up to 3 days
  • Combine extra-rise, longer washes, laundry sanitizer, and hot water for colors, add bleach for whites
  • Use warmest settings for clothing material, all our stores are equipped to handle hot water in high volumes, and we encourage you to use hot water settings when washing your items
  • Dry your items in a dryer, viruses do not like heat
  • Avoid shaking out the laundry as it can spread the virus through the air
  • Utilize laundry bags that can be washed, laundry bags can be purchased at Clean Laundry locations

The CDC recommends the following for preventing illness:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
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